I found Brian’s web site on the internet. I was looking for some life insurance quotes. Brian shared some ideas beyond just term insurance. The ability to convert this policy and having lots of choices that I was not aware of, he also, gave me a book on “Be Your own Banker” which was very interesting! Since I do my own investing learning more about insurance and what it can do for me and my family was a bonus which I don’t think I would get easily.
Brian helped us get life insurance to protect our family. He also provided Michael with critical illness insurance, which is terrific because he’s self-employed.
Brian obtained some very competitive term insurance for us, to cover our mortgage and protect our family.
Brian helped set up our mortgage and also some excellent term insurance for us to cover our mortgage.
How am I different from other advisors?
I hope the information on my site has been helpful to you, and that you’ve learned some important facts about mortgages, retirement planning and life insurance. However, you may still be wondering
why should I deal with Brian and not someone else?
Read on and I’ll tell you.
Straight-talking, real-world advice
I believe in giving clients the most realistic and accurate financial analysis and advice possible. I will not make or even suggest any drastic changes to your strategy until I have fully informed you of all the possible pitfalls and risks associated with any given decision. I will examine your particular situation and tell you whether it’s the right path for you.
I won’t necessarily tell you what you want to hear, but I will always give you the best advice for your particular financial situation.
Clear Statements
When you receive financial statements from me, they will show your rate of return since inception. Many planners and advisors will show only the rate of return in the last year, rather than from the beginning. This reporting method can be misleading and it does not give you an accurate overall picture of how your investments are performing.
My statements are clear, easy to read, and comprehensive.
I'm Upfront About How I'm Paid
If I refer an insurance policy to a broker, I’m typically paid a small referral fee (although, in some cases, I receive no fee whatsoever). In terms of investments, I’m paid by mutual fund companies for moving assets. That’s where my compensation comes from.
You will not find many other advisors who disclose this information on their websites.
Working with your current cash flow
When we work together, I can help you improve your financial outlook using your cash flow as it now stands. Without contributing an extra penny, I can put you in a position to save more money and make smarter insurance, investment and retirement choices. I’ll show how to max out your RRSP contributions and, where appropriate, try to make your mortgage tax-deductible (for more on this, see our sister site, www.mortgageplans.ca. Of course, I will not suggest any changes until I’ve fully informed you of all the possible pitfalls and risks.
Working with your current bank or broker
Even if you are happy with your current bank or mortgage broker, I can still help you. You can maintain your existing relationships and I can show you additional ways to save money and prepare for your future.
Preparing for the unexpected
Let me ask you this. Do you have a plan that will provide for you in the event of an unexpected income-affecting problem? For example, job loss or serious injury, say for a year, with zero income. How about two years?
The truth is that very few people are able to get through a rough spot like this without racking up huge credit card and other debt. I can put you in a position to endure unanticipated difficulties and make it through to the other side.